Sabtu, 7 Ogos 2010


Salam sdra pembaca Melayu- Islam yang dihormati.....

gemasindag copy and paste satu komen pembaca bangsa cina terhadap umat Melayu yang dipetik dari blog Tun Dr Mahathir.

Tun menulis mengenai Palestine / Gaza . Dia pulak ambil kesempatan untuk menghina bangsa Melayu . Kita wajar mengkaji dan memikirkan perkara yang ditulisnya itu dari perspektif nasib anak anak cucu cicit kita pada masa akan datang sekiranya umat Melayu hilang kuasa politik. bagaimanakah agaknya nasib mereka jika beginilah pandangan majoriti orang cina terhadap orang Melayu jika negara ini diperentah oleh mereka.

Renung dan fikirkanlah wahai bangsaku.....



By andrewtay on August 7, 2010 3:43 AM

You are definitely very subtle and polite i might say by labeling the Chinese as capitalist in your post. I'l take it as a compliment that you are "concern" about my race like how the Nazis are "concern" about the Jew.

Serious Idea, do you think you can outsmart the Chinese in their own game? What makes you think that after 60 years of evolving and moulding into a highly competitive, hardworking, intelligent and enterprising race, you can just walk up to us and say, "Yeah, we can beat you in what ever you guys are good at."

Your race, the Malays, have been deceived by your own people thinking that meritocracy will destroy the likes of you while on the contrary it is beneficial to you. If there is no competition on a fair playing field, how will there ever going to be self-improvement? If you study economics, why it all boils down to efficiency.
Your government has been helping you for the past 30-40 years? And after 30-40 years, with the help of your government, have things change for the better for your race?

So instead of blaming the Chinese for everything, lets look deep into yourself and tell me why cant the Malays compete with the Chinese? Let me tell you what, we the Capitalist in your little post, have the drive to achieve success because we know that if we dont, no one will help us. Its do or die for us. That mentality is set in our mind and into our children's mind.

You guys have a safety net, the government. They wont let you die, they need your votes. At the same time, the safety net cannot cushion your fall forever and ever. It will break one day for sure because it is not sustainable. History has recorded many instances that a race's fall from grace is due to its complacency. And on that day itself, you have only yourself to blame.

Please dont attempt to take over Penang and KL by merely sending more Malays to the city. Thats just dumb. They will just head back to the kampungs in disappointment. If you want to take over Penang and KL, you dont need an army of Malays from the kampung. Just be competitive. Thats how you beat the Chinese for Christ sake.

By andrewtay on August 7, 2010 2:29 AM

Saudis act holy in their country but once they touch down in Dubai, its booze fueled party and unholy sick threesome with Russian whores (which its pretty awesome but not so it you act like an hypocrite).
If there is one race that pisses people off, its the arabs. if you get to personally know them, you will know what i mean. all they do is brag about how rich they are and how many child wives they have (not to mention their pajeros and their collections of awesome rifles). Arabs are just like an american rednecks with a tinge of class.
If you think they are probably nice to other Muslims you are just dumb. I know for a fact that if you berHaji in Saudi and if you are an African Muslim (black) or a White Muslim, brother, you are F-ed. They will taunt you as if you'r a jew. Why? Because my Maldivian friend saw that crap happening while she was in Mecca.
If you guys ever berHaji, you probably see that crap happening too.
So why are we bothered about Arabs when they dont even give a damn about their own race is beyond me.

4 ulasan:

  1. gemasindah,
    The last comment yg dicopy ini menampakkan dia tidak faham perbezaan antara Arab dan Islam..

    Nyata dia memberi komen berdasarkan sikap perkauman yang sempit...

    Akan tetapi, sebagai mengambilnya sesuatu yang positif, menunjukkan betapa Melayu perlu mengaplikasikan apa yang telah diajar dalam Islam untuk dunia dan akhirat...

    ~ OnDaStreet

  2. Terimaksih sdra ondastreet, saya rasa bukan dia tidak faham ,dia faham tetapi ianya memang ditulis untuk menyakitkan hati dan menghina orang Melayu yang Islam disamakan dengan perangai buruk orang Arab ...Jadi tercapai dua tujuan menghina Melayu & Islam.

    Itu hak dia..yang perlu ialah Melayu-Islam insaf betapa buruknya niat & perangai orang cina saperti ini..Ini mereka belum berkuasa lagi, bila berjaya berkuasa dengan bantuan orang Melayu yang marahkan nyamuk kelambu dibakar ...tak tahulah macam-mana

    Kita ..Melayu-islam kenalah muhasabah diri dan insaf ...

  3. tiba lah masanya kita semua orang melayu berfikir secara lebih waras.... insya'allah.

  4. sampai bila nak berfikir?lipatkan usaha mcm mana bangsa kita tunjukkan kemampuan yg sebenarnya.kita mamapu dan yakin bangsa melayu boleh bangunkan MALAYSIA tanpa bertongkatkan bangsa x kenang budi ini.
